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Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Al Ain



The Importance of Domestic Water Tank Cleaning

As you understand, water will contain small elements of dust, dirt, mold, remnants, debris, etc. This would get accumulated inside the water tank over a period of time. The accumulation of dirty elements will not take much time if you are not receiving adequately purified water.

The dirt will lead to the growth of bacteria and other harmful germs. Consuming the water, even if you use it after filtration, can be harmful to you and your family. You must comply with the water tank cleaning as per the standard regulations to avoid such issues. Note that, kids and aged people are more prone to diseases due to unhealthy water.

Renowned water tank cleaning services in Dubai and Abu Dhabi undertake the global cleaning standards for water tank cleaning. You can contact Cleanpro, the leading cleaning company in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, to know more about this.

What Should be the Frequency of Domestic Water Tank Cleaning?

Having in-depth knowledge, acquired through research and analysis, Cleanpro understands the exact frequency of water tank cleaning and the process to be implemented.

  • The cleaning frequency of the water tank would depend on the type of water it stores (potable, non-potable, or drinking water storage)
  • The standards promulgated by the competent authorities have specific guidelines for water tank cleaning, to prevent the growth of antigens and pathogens. Of course a trusted cleaning company in Dubai, Abu Dhabi would be aware of this.
  • A drinking water storage tank must be inspected every six months to ensure that no debris, dirt, or mold is accumulated inside. The same has to be done on potable and non-potable tanks every twelve-month duration
  • Samples must be lab tested to ascertain the presence of microorganisms in drinking water every six months
  • Cleaning and disinfection must be done at least every twelve months. If the quality of the water is low, then the periodicity must be revised to every six months. This would prevent the growth of bacteria like Legionella.

You may drop us a word if you want to discuss water tank cleaning in detail. The professionals at Cleanpro water tank cleaning services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi would be more than happy to help you.

How to Clean the Domestic water Tank?

You can undertake domestic water tank cleaning if you don’t want to hire a cleaning company in Dubai. The standard steps would include:

  • Prepare the team and the tank for cleaning. The person going to carry out the task must be adequately trained for the task. The water inlet must be closed and the water stored must be drained completely.
  • One person might have to enter the tank for cleaning. In this case, another one should stand outside to assist him as well as to ensure the person’s safety.
  • Clean the tank manually using specific tools and cleaning solutions. Inspect the tank for fungus, corrosion, etc.
  • Come out from the tank. Use a torchlight to inspect the tank thoroughly.
  •  Refill the tank once proper cleaning is confirmed
  •  Examine the pH value of water and undertake the necessary disinfection and chlorination process. The cleaning company in Dubai, Abu Dhabi will do the needful if you are hiring them.
  • Neutralize the system and recommission the water tank.

To discuss more on this, contact Cleanpro right now.

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