Cleanpro location

Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Al Ain


The factors that determine when to carry out pest control activity are:

  •  Probability of pest infestation: The climatic condition, the type of home, the type of construction material used, and climatic scenario play important roles in the case of pest infestation. The probability of pest growth, breeding, and infestation would vary accordingly.
  •  Severity of pest infestation: Pest control services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi would suggest pest control at a frequent periodicity if the infestation were severe. Once you have delayed to pest control procedure and the pests have grown beyond controllable proportion, a number of pest control measures might be required in quick succession.
  •  The Characteristics of the Premises:  Where is your home located? Is it near a marshy place? Is there a river near your house? Is your home near the main road? The type of pests and frequency of infestation will differ depending on the location of the home. Determining the schedule of pest control services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi may not be correct without knowing the exact details of the location. You can get in touch with Cleanpro for professional advice in this regard.
  •  Cleanliness of the surroundings: How is your neighborhood? Is it well-maintained or unhygienic? Untidy surroundings and unkempt buildings are invitations for pests. They would love to visit and settle down there. In that case, pest infestation would be more frequent.

Dos and Don’ts in Pest Control

The ambiguity surrounding pest control is quite normal. Involved in different jobs and busy with daily chores, you may not understand when did the pest infested or how to get rid of it. Furthermore, many have several misconceptions about pests and the control measures. Definitely, Cleanpro the best pest control services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi would be the right place for guidance and support. Nevertheless, you should know the dos and don’ts regarding pest control.

Pest Control – Dos

o   Remove sources of food, water, and shelter that might be easily reachable for the pests

o   Maintain proper hygiene inside and outside your home. Clean premises are the biggest enemy of pests

o   Undertake pest control measures at a periodicity suggested by the experts

o   Keep the food sealed inside proper containers

o   Close all the leaky taps and pipelines. Undertake repair works at the earliest

o   Hire only proven pest control services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi like Cleanpro

o   Remove clutter. An uncluttered home, office, or commercial space will have fewer chances of pest infestation

o   Discuss with the pest control professionals about the possible type of pests that can infest your space. And the correct tact to prevent them

o   Keep the pesticides out of reach of children


Pest Control – Don’ts

o   Don’t choose pest extermination over pest control. Pest control is always better than extermination

o   Hire pest control services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi without a proper assessment. A wrong pest control procedure can do more harm than good. It will not be effective in controlling the pest. Moreover, the pests will return with higher vigor, and would be more difficult to control them

o   Procrastinating pest control activity can cost you more money for pest control measures, besides loss of property due to pest infestation

o   Usage of heavy chemicals can harm you, your pets, and the environment. Hiring a pest control service in Dubai, Abu Dhabi that use biodegradable material would be preferable

o   Transferring pesticides to other containers can be dangerous

The Conclusion

Stating a fixed period for undertaking pest control may not be correct. All we can say is, that you must undertake pest control activities at least once or twice a year. It would be good if you could go for pest control quarterly. The periodicity may differ depending on the factors we stated in this article.

To discuss more pest control services in Dubai, and Abu Dhabi, contact Cleanpro now.


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