Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Al Ain
Looking back a few months, we would be surprised to realize how our life and lifestyle has changed. From ‘not so bothered’ people, we have turned to be ‘highly conscious’ of everything. Face masks, sanitizers, social distancing, and personal hygiene have become a part of our life. It is all because of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) […]
Natural and royal, nothing can beat marble when it comes to providing your spaces with a grand look. It is one of the reasons why marble is preferred among the other types of tiles. Marble has been used since ancient times, thanks to the fact that it makes your floors and tabletops look luxurious beyond […] comparison. Having you
The winter season often brings fond memories rushing to our minds. It is a season of merriment and joy, of hope for a new year, a new beginning, of wonderful times spent with family and friends on a vacation. However, no matter how much fun and enjoyment you experience during the winter season, there will […] always be that tiny bug,
Curtains for homes is an important decor item. Curtains help in enhancing the beauty of your home and room, along with keeping indoors cool and private. Another function of curtains includes filtering the air entering your room from the outside, by trapping dust and other microparticles. While serving this function, there is a high
Private schools in the UAE are ready to welcome students for the 2020-21 academic calendar. After many months of online classes and holidays, students are eager to get back to the school, to their classes, meet their friends, and make new ones. So, now with school reopening in the UAE only a matter of time, […] how safe do we think
Covid-19 has forced us to adopt new normals in order to stay healthy and safe from being affected by the virus. The new normals include practicing better personal hygiene, maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, sanitizing our hands regularly among many others. We are now forced to do things regularly, which we had only done on
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